M4S Diagrams

This is a temporary set of diagrams while domain/host transfer things finish happening. These are the diagrams as shown in my guide.

Some notable differences about PF: For the four witch hunts, they tend to have melees cardinal (DPS W/E) and ranged intercardinal (DPS NW/NE). For EE1, the healers and ranged are typically swapped (healers farther from danger corner). For EE2, they treat the safe tile as North, inverting the support/dps as shown in diagrams (support still rel W, dps rel E). During transition, they dodge onto the intercards rather than the cardinals. For Mustard Bomb, the tanks go to the unstruck players to ‘deliver’ the debuffs; this results in the raid needing to remain spread for much longer and a lot more focus from the tanks, I don’t recommend it. Their positioning is probably slightly different for Scattering/Concentrated, but I don’t recall all the positions off the top of my head. For Sunset, NA tends to do ‘Uptime’ while EU tends to do the strat presented here, both with a prio of DPS N > cw, Support NW > ccw. The priority is slightly different/more complicated than what I’ve presented, and the uptime strat is in my opinion marginally more difficult to execute but exceptionally more risky, and if you are executing this mechanic, the tiny potential uptime gain is not worth the added risk. I’ve yet to prepare diagrams to match these, so please be aware of these key differences.

Thanks (:

M4S Diagrams